Historiadora del arte, gestora cultural y directora de la galería municipal “Manolo Alés”.

Being born and growing up in a family with cultural concerns makes you see the aspects of life in a different way, more open, more sensitive, it makes you question your reality.

The cultural family journeys and my interrail trip around Europe in my teens, were unknowingly the seed of an unrelenting taste for culture. On my return, I would study Art History and Pedagogical Adaptation before coming back to my hometown, La Línea.

In 2001 I started working in the City Council of La Línea, Delegation of Culture, through employment plans, where I worked as a museum curator highlighting the collection of the eminent ‘Linense’ painter José Cruz Herrera. After almost a year of experience and after the death of my father, Manolo Alés, I became the Director of the Municipal Gallery when I was only 26 years old. I must say that the lack of experience and having to manage in a primarily male environment turned out not to be an easy task, but I had a clear objective and it was to continue to maintain the cultural standards initiated by my father, Manolo Alés and continue to make La Línea a cultural reference in the Campo de Gibraltar.

Professional career:

Almost two decades endorsed my professionalism at the head of the gallery, years in which I have curated hundreds of exhibitions, both local and outside my city, in public and private spaces, given workshops, conferences, been a jury member of painting contests, etc. 

Working for and with contemporary art has become a way of life. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the professional from the personal enjoyment, but on occasions they complement each other. I work for a public institution, but I have always felt the freedom and support when it comes to planning activities and exhibitions, although there is almost always an economic deficit that conditions some of our projects.

Gallery owner/exhibitions:

My way of facing my work has evolved, passion and perseverance have been my main tools from the beginning, the desire to improve, innovate and learn as well.

The didactic part is a factor in which I particularly emphasize, in fact, almost all exhibitions have an  activity focused on audiences of various ages, I believe that it is essential, even more considering the geographical situation in which we are based, where culture must have a relevant value. 

Regarding this educational aspect, the experience of being a mother of two girls, now teenagers, has been greatly useful for me. They have been my main referent child audience for years, together we have shared and learned. Something that I have always instilled in them has been to come to all the openings in the gallery, also during the installation, they have even been lucky to share times with many of the artists during exhibitions here in the gallery and many trips, where the three of us were enriched with culture and experiences. Yes, we paint. This is another exhibition with a didactic purpose of which we have already had several editions, in collaboration with the students of the Teacher Training College as a collaborative project.

Regalarte (‘Give yourself a -an art- gift’). This is one of the annual collective exhibitions that I most enjoy and that’s why I want to highlight it. More than 10 editions have been held and the main goal of this is to encourage collecting and to bring art to all audiences. I have always had this eagerness to share my passion for art with those around me, sometimes I mistakingly believe that everyone is capable of enjoying a work of art, a conversation in a studio, an exhibition, a trip, etc. as much as I do, but with Regalarte there is a diversity of styles for everyone to enjoy, and what’s more, the works can be purchased. Over the years we have managed to create a group of collectors and people interested in art.


I treasure infinite experiences in the world of art from exhibitions, meetings with artists, trips around the world to visit galleries, give lectures, give workshops, art fairs… to even being an artist’s model in Francis Benitez´s recent project at the hall.  Experiences that have made me grow as a person and as a professional. I could not number all the artists or all the places. Especially with some artists of Campo de Gibraltar I have evolved in an almost parallel way, forming relationships beyond the professional, great friends like Yeyo Argüez and Sylvain Marc have supported and accompanied me during my career.  We are lucky to be in this area where so much culture is generated in all artistic disciplines and I feel specially fortunate to have most of them as friends, Pepe Cano, Paco Conti, Javier Plata, Carolina Santos, Gema Larios, Alan Pérez, Fátima Conesa, Marga Guinea, etc. 

Macarena before and now:

Today I consider  myself a professionally developed and strong person, this kind of interview helps to review all the work done and sometimes even surprises oneself in a positive and rewarding way. I regard our Gallery to continue to be a paragon within the contemporary art scene in the region, a showcase for new artists from the area and a stepping stone for many others. I feel very supported by many people in the sector. There has always been a good connection and collaboration with institutions, as well as with private centres and freelancers of the sector and, of course,  with artists.

In the last year the “Casa De La Cultura” and the municipal gallery “Manolo Alés” have improved their external appearance, two new large windows in the exhibition hall give it a modern and contemporary look. It is a lively cultural centre, with different workshops, temporary exhibitions and important collections of contemporary art in the heart of the city.

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