jessica darch

// art


“She finds working hand in hand with both private clients and professional teams exhilarating

Although Jessica prefers to keep her style widely eclectic, her speciality is working on a large scale and usually at great height!. Despite this, her personal stamp is sealed on each and every individual project, catering for the client’s bespoke requisites.

She finds working hand in hand with both private clients and professional teams exhilarating, accepting each job as a new challenge: How a proposal can benefit both parties, be it by combining the decor colour schemes and adapt it to a painting or a mural, create a more conceptual project with professionals, or to transform a bedroom into a jungle of giant flowers…always aiming to beautify the space and bring it to life.

Jessica’s 30 years of painting experience plus her studies in architecture grant her expertise in this field so that no job is too big or too small.